Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can god help?

I wanto die.
I hate life.
I'm dizzy.

How can the lord help me?
Some people say, "let the lord inside of you, and he will juide you"

I have never been baptised.
My mom, and sisters have, but I chose not to, becuase I don't, personally, feel that I should be obligated to study a certian religon while there are many others.

But I do believe in a god.
How can he help? How can he guide me?
Your posts including this one show signs of serious depression. The fact that you believe in God is a start but you have to be willing to let him help. Being baptized doesn't save you. The act of believing He is the way, the truth and the life, and turning over your conerns to Him is salvation. Sounds like you need to talk to someone though. Dawson McAllister is a great youth minister. try his website
until you accept him, he cant.
God helps in a phsycological way, working through you if you truely believe in him, this means you must change your lif to be more like god.
I don't know but you better get started on that homework.
Post the harder parts of your homework, some of the people here claim to be intelligent.
just ask him to help you,,,he already knows how you feel. He will give you peace,,just the fact that you are asking this question means that you do believe and you want him to help you
One thing I can tell you for sure is god isnt' going to do your homework for you.
Sounds like you have some good old fashioned teenaged or pre-teenaged angst. It's normal. Things will get better .
Do your homework.
first off...check out the unitarian church, they study all religions, and accept people from all of them who want to congregate together, and to reach out to each other. also, i believe your life is worth something. i thought the same things about myself, and i was told by a good friend that i had a purpose, and how everyone does some way. so just be open to others, and think before you do something you will regret. life is definitely worth living! no matter what you are dealing with now, it will get better
all you have to do is to trust in god and he will guide you to what you really need help. pray to him. i went to my church today and the pastor was talking about the people fishing in the boat. they too hated life because they had to fish every day. but god helped them and guided them. he gave them tons of fish. ask him for help. life has a purpose. never say there is no point of life. the point of life is to live.
Oh please. You petition the Lord out of homework issues? You want to die? Sorry, no offense, but you seem a trifle spoiled. If you do believe in a god, then gaze at his creation. From the majesty of the silent mountains to moonlight playing the ripples of an alpine lake. Surely your personal frustrations are not worthy of consideration in the biggeer picture.
First of all,
why the heck are all you people telling her to "go do your homework!" She is obvoisly upset and doesn't need that bs.

I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I do alot to.
I have never been baptised either.
Just try to pray. Pray to him. He may not now,
but hopefully he will make things better.
Hun, YOU are stressed. Turn it all over to God. Pray to Him and ask Him to help you through this time in your life. You will have to turn it over every day; because you are human, you will want to take it back and try to control it. I don't know HOW He will choose to help you or guide you. Perhaps He will bring someone in your life to help you with the burdens of too much to do. Maybe He will provide you extra time in your day to get your school work done by eliminating another activity. I don't know, but I know if you want Him to help and you are sincere in your heart, you must ask Him, turn it over to Him and believe in your heart that He will grant you what you ask. You must have FAITH that He will provide what you need.

Baptism does not bind you to one religion; it is directed in the Bible.

AND, if you are serious about wanting to die, please get some counseling. If not, watch what you say because words like that hurt your loved ones and tear at your mental state. Ask God to help you with this, too.
As a marginally practicing Buddhist, I don't think God or anyone else can do it for you. You just have to be quiet and let the answers come to you. If you experience those answers as coming from "God", OK. But, that's more a matter of perception that anything else.

It seems to me you have a variety of problems here. If you hate life and want to die...well, your homework doesn't seem that important. (The fact that you're also dizzy is just confusing, but leaves me with the thought that maybe you need to eat...or stop drinking...or lay off the drugs.) In any event, you need more competent support than you're going to find here.

On the other hand, maybe you're just having a little emo moment looking for attention. If that's win, I promise to worry about you for a few minutes during my meditations tonight. Blessed be.
Basically keep praying every day for God to wipe the slate clean of all your sins. Pray for that in the church and pray for that at home. Long, long prayers. Then you will not feel like God is punishing you anymore for sinning. Try to be good at that point, with your clean slate, if you can. Insofar as your homework ask for a parent-teacher conference so your teachers do not load you down in this time of emotional crisis.
I think god might have tapped you on the shoulder and said to you... might want to tackle that homework right now.but you didn't listen until it was too late...

now look at you.suffering! (aaargh!)

Next time...try listening to the little voice in you that says do your work when its time too! He's always there for you.never forget!
You've gotten yourself into a downward spiral of thought. If you're not going to do your homework, just accept it and let it go. It's not the end of the world and not the deciding factor in whether you are going to choose to leave school or remain in the same grade. Save those decisions for the daytime when you are less stressed. I don't think any of your problems are worth killing yourself over. Life can be changed in an instant, so hang on and something good will happen. It always does, eventually. Thank God when it does. Grattitude brings more of the same. Good luck.
No matter what you do in your life always remember that you have God who loves you, so, so, so, so, much and he wants to be your friend. All you have to do is put your faith and trust in him and ask him into your heart through prayer that you could say like this

"Dear God, I am sorry for all of my sins, please forgive me and come into my life. Please be there to guide me in the hard times in my life. I thankyou for dying on the cross for me. Thankyou Lord Jesus, in your name Amen."

God is so powerful. He has the power to move mountains. Just trust in him and he has the power to change your life if you let him into your heart. He is so loving and really cares about you. Whenever you feel sad or lonely you can pray to him and he will always listen to your prayers. You will be able to feel his presence in your heart and it will comfort you to know he is there.

He is so amazing. You can talk to him about anything. You can even pray to Him that he can help you to complete your homework by tomorrow.

I live in Australia and my family and I will be praying for you.
Religion is trash dude. Religion doesn't save anyone.

Oh, in case you guys don't know, Christianity isn't a religion, its a faith.
A faith in Jesus, who died for your sins. Try looking for a song, Safe Haven by Project86. Listen to the lyrics, i think it fits you.

Baptism doesn't save either, its just an outward act of faith in Christ.

There are many ways believing in a god. But there is only ONE God (notice, capital G)

To recieve God's help,
First off, we've all got to admit we're sinners. We've blown many things in this life. So, we all know we're sinners.
Second, admit that to Jesus. He's always there for us, we just don't want to run to him.
Third, tell him you want him to save you. That's why he died on the cross, so that when this life ends, we'll be with him in Heaven!
Then, go out and tell your mom and sisters that you've accepted Christ!
Studying a religion is for those who want to be pastors or teachers.

How he can guide you? well, that's up to you how you want him to guide you. You can give him control of your life, or, you can choose to ask him for help.

About your homework, well, good luck bro. i've got mine too. harharharhar
You have to quite yourself, go somewhere wher you are alone and pray. he will do the rest.

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