Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can Deperession hurt physically?

Depression, in fact, is a very inapt word. Depression incorporates a wide range of emotions and behaviors, from feeling sad to loss of pleasure to being anxious to being angry to acting aggressively. Throw in out of whack sleeping and eating, loss of energy, not being able to think straight, and unexplained pain, and a mental and physical hurricane.

The risk of heart disease is doubled in people with depression, and a previous depression is often the greatest risk factor for heart disease and other ills, over smoking, drinking, high blood sugar, and previous heart attacks. Depression has also been connected to diabetes, bone loss, stroke, irritable bowel syndrome, and possibly cancer. In addition, people with depression have much higher rates of alcohol and substance use than the general population.

Good link below with more symptoms.
Because depression is, in many cases, a by product type of symptom of joint pain and liver damage...

Try Sam-e.
eating wrong or not eating
not sleeping
depression usually leads to over-eating or under-eating. if you over-eat, you can gain weight easily which will make you even more depressed, and the cycle goes on. if you under-eat you might lose some weight, which can make you possibly feel more attractive, but taken to an extreme will make you very weak. depressed people can also be prone to making destructive decisions, like cutting or drinking, both of which hurt you physically.
I don't understand all the body chemistry, but true clinical depression is usually caused by a problem with neurotransmitters, typically serotonin.

Some pain, like stomach pain or headaches, can be attributed to anxiety which is frequently a component in depression.

However the deep down muscle/body "aches" I think are related to neurotransmitters or hormones. It is hard for someone who has never personally experienced this pain to understand.

If you are suffering from depression, please see your doctor to get it evaluated. Depression may not always be "curable", but it can be treated with great results.
I suffer from "Chronic Tension-Type Headaches", and I find they occur most often when I am afraid, angry or depressed. So in this case, depression manifests as physical pain, i.e., the headache.
I'm not sure the exact reasons, but the physical/emotional pain can literally be unbearable.

It may be to do with the build up of lactic acid or cortisol. It would be interesting to know.

HTH : )
over tensing muscles in the body causing the person pain and some times may even cause damage to the muscle. Also lack of sleep giving the body less time to repair and other important things. too much sleep deprives the body of movement and exercise so muscles weaken. those are some guesses I have. most I experienced first hand.

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