Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help, I think I might have some sort of mental illnesss!!?

Ever since I was a kid, I cannot remember feeling genuinely excited about anything. I have always know when I should fee excited/sad/joyous or otherwise and can mimic the appropriate response when I want to, but no general emotion. I have won a couple of jackpots at casinos (4 times at about $1200 - $5000 each) and it's like "great, this will pay off such and such" but thats it. Meanwhile 80 year olds are doing back flips because they won a five spot on the nickel slots. I've been married for 2+ years now and have my first child on the way and I can honestly say that I am not the least bit excited about it. I'm not apprehensive, happy, sad, prideful, anxious.just nothing. I have always had a great moral compass, knowing right from wrong and acting on the right thing to do (been called boyscout many, many times) and I have had a career in law enforcement and security for many years because I like to protect people. On the other hand, I can still feel anger and sadness. Help.
Maybe you need to get to the root cause of what's making you feel so angry and sad? Can you remember any sad times in your life? If you can start up a journal and write down your thoughts in a journal of your feelings and maybe why you feel the way you do. This will help you to take a stock account of things. Write down things you remember about your childhood or any time whether it be happen or sad.

If you feel that you need counselling try to find a counsellor that has your best interest at heart. Read up on the different types of counsellors that are out there. Some are doctors and some aren't. I don't know where you live but in some cases some of them may be covered by medical?

Maybe you can even join a community group that helps men deal with these kinds of problems and also will be like a support system for you to start off with then if you feel you need more then you can look into the type of doctors who can help you out. Check out some MSN or Yahoo Groups that deal with anger and depression. That would be a good starting point to self discovery if it's something more then find a counselor.
Sounds like you have border line personality disorder dude . try counselling with a shrink they have some **** called cognitive therapy which like helps a lot . there's also a book called feeling good by david.d.burns helped my mom a lot .. give these a shot and let me knw

It could be depression. I think a visit with a counselor could help. Do it for yourself AND your child. Good luck..
it sound like you are not grateful.. even though you get something you always want something more in life.. maybe sometime you should stop and think the things that you receive in life and other people don't have.. i don't know about you but this method help me... I'm a very cheerful person..
Sounds like a personality trait deficit to me. Check out some of the personality disorders in the DSM IV. Your lack of emotional expression could be from an underactive amgydala in your brain.
maybe after u actually see your baby and hold him/her, you'll finally feel excited, maybe your depressed? anger and sadness are symptoms of that
if you feel you are a happy person/content, then you are probably ok. if you are happy to be alive, then you are probably ok. you are obviously motivated, so maybe your enthusiasm takes a different form. i think disposition is partly genetic, and some people are just more reserved in their thoughts and expressions
I can give you tell you a little bit of information by what you wrote towards the end there: you say that you can feel anger and sadness. Men often seem to exhibit two emotions: ANGER (like you) but also FEAR.

The best thing for you to do is to get to a counselor well-versed in men's issues. It sounds like something deeply rooted in your childhood.

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