Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help, been having the same nightmare for two nights in a row, why?

the first one was that there was a girl who decided to shoot kids at my college, then last night i also dreamed that in my school there were kids jumping off the roof of the campus buildings??
I am not an expert, but I play one on TV. With that said I would guess your recurring dream is related to something that is bothering you, something that you have been thinking about that is carrying over in your sleep. For example, I was really worried about an important interview I had the next day and I was freaking out - I think I checked my alarm three times before I went to sleep and I put my alarm on my cell phone to be sure I got up. Well, sure enough my dream was about missing an important meeting. It is funny, not funny Ha Ha, but funny interesting how the mind works.

Stress about Care Bares all day so you are certain to dream about them!

Good luck!
maybe its just you worrying about the possibilties of know bad thing that happened...
just give yourself time to think it through and im sure itll go away
Sounds like you have a fear deep in your subconcious, or your mind have been cluttered with current events. Go for a drink tonight, if you dont drink, then have a coffee and enjoy your reality, you will miss it when it is gone.
phobia let people know ur dream and it might go away
is that the same ? you should hear sum of mine but they are getting so bad that i care not to remember that i even went to sleep and thats serious bidness . i do feel for you and i hopefully wish that you have sweet dreams from this night forward .
that is a sign of something terrible happening soon ( 1 month to 4 months
This is extremely common. You are probably just thinking a lot about the VA Tech shootings and now because it has happened, you believe it is more likely to happen to you. This is called the availabilty heuristic. If it continues you might want to go talk with a counsler or someone like that on your campus.
With the recent events at VT its normal to have nightmares about it happening to you at your school. This effected a lot of people thatdon't go there too. If this continues talk to a counselor to work through your fears. I am sure others who go to school have the same fears. I hope you have a decent night tonight.
Post traumatic stress. The Virginia Tech shootings are fresh in your mind, Columbine is likely in there too. Living as we are in a world of terror, it is only natural that your subconscious process these worries as you sleep. Otherwise, you might end up being the next person going around doing the shooting. It is natural, and normal to have nightmares.
Your are affected and thinking a lot about the virginia accident and shooting? Stop thinking about it.

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