Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! Am I depressed? I feel I don't belongat school?

I am a sophomore in high school, and I think I may be depressed. I don’t like going to school and many times I cry for really no reason. I get good grades(I have a 4.25 gpa), I play sports(at least two a yr), and have many friends. I don’t do drugs, smoke or drink and I don’t feel like I have to do that to fit in. Teachers like me and I like them. Several times I feel like I don’t belong at school with people my age. I am extremely mature for my age and sometimes don’t see things the same way my classmates do. I feel that there are much better things do to than to be stuck in school and that I am very out of place. I constantly think about dropping out or going to evening high school just not to be around the kind of people at school. My friends understand how I feel but there is only so much they can do. I feel that I am the only normal person in school while everyone else is “messed up”. I feel down depressed even when the most exciting things happen. What can I do?am i 2 mature?
You'd be surprised how many other people your age feel the same way!

If I were at that school I'd pick you to be one of my friends-- maturity at a young age should be the NORM, not the exception.

Don't forget you are growing and your hormones are kicking in -- on top of that, you are no longer a child but not quite yet an adult -- this is a great time and a tough time in everyone's life -- the teenage years-- there's ALOT going on.

Reach out to others around you and be a friend-- join speech or drama or at clubs, and E-N-J-O-Y. Do you cook? Try some new recipes and share with your friends and your not-friends too. You might be surprised at how many people secretly look up to you!

When you say " I feel that I am the only normal person in school while everyone else is “messed up”. ", you are closing yourself to one of life's experiences-- one that you will meet all the days of your life-- it's called a "challenge to grow" and a "challenge to reach out to others with kindness and compassion, and learn more about them AND life".

If you drop out of school now, those people who you think are "below you" (and they are really NOT below you -- they are living their lives the best way THEY know how to) -- those people will be WAY ahead of you when you are trying to catch up to them in your education.

I'm glad you don't do drugs or smoke or drink. I grew up in a tough part of town when I was a kid, but our parents (in the whole neighborhood) were for the most part CARING and attentive to their kids and we knew beter than to mess up our minds or bodies with drugs and other stuff.

You can be a great role model if you just be yourself, enjoy life and let people be people.Diversity - in looks, intelligence, attitude, maturity--it's all around us and most of it is NOT bad at all.

Have you been able to talk this over with your parents or an adult you can trust? You may also be having phycsical peoblems that you may not be aware of.

Do you eat well? Sugar-- too much of it, can DEPRESS almost EVERYONE -- and can make you sad without a reason. Not getting enough sleep can cause the same problems.

I have faith in you and so do lots of other people -- and you mneed to be one of them.

YOU have alot going for you -- enjoy life-- take it one day at a time and don;t sweat the small stuff-- and most stuff IS small stuff.
I would not say you are to mature for High school.But you sound mature yes.I understand school suck but in this day and time you have to have a diploma.If you want to quit school you have to discuss with your parents because they need to sign papers for this,But if you do I would for sure take GED classes .Please don't try and grow up to fast,Be free and live life to the fullest,Someday you will have a full time Job and husband and kids and then you will be wishing that you was back in High school again! Depression can be Helped,I took lexapro for a few years and it helped me.Talk to your Dr and explain everything to him or her and go from there.Please Enjoy being a young adult and don't take it for Granted,it won't be here for long.
What you need to do is be put into a higher grade. You are to smart, and mature for your grade. School is boring to you, because of you maturity level. Talk to your principal about going into a higher grade. Maybe take a course that you enjoy and that is offered at your school. If you have drama class, take that it seems to be a nice class. If I were you, I would see if I could get put into a higher grade, where you can actually be challenged at what your doing.
Alot of people who are highly intelligent feel that they dont belong. Have you thought about a gifted and talented program? Trust me finish school. I am 38 and didnt graduate but got a GED instead. If you dont finish you'll regret it later. Its good to have friends. Have you talked to your parents about how you feel?
I understand where you are coming from and I can empathize with your position. Being a Navy brat, I halved lived all across the U.S., which means leaving friends and making new friends every time we moved.
Talk about not fitting in... for example, leaving San Diego, California for Raleigh, North Carolina...What a culture shock!

Long story short, hang in there. Do what I did and ask for advanced placement in the subjects you excel in.
You are too close to graduation to blow your education off.

Trust me, college is a hell of a lot better than high school.
i used to feel the same way...although, i really didn't fit in at school. at least you have people that care about you. Just don't worry about it and you'll be fine. you see, usually people get something in their heads and they keep building on that, when really you need to see the good in life, not the bad. You've got everything going for you. You're not too mature, people around you are just too IMMATURE :)
Of course, you are very bright, and that makes it hard to 'fit in' at your school. Still, you need to go through these hoops to get to where you will feel more comfortable. You will find that you love college and in order to GET there, you need to continue your classes. I was a 'very' good student, as well, and I found it hard to understand why my classmates did a lot of things. I identified more with the teachers than with my classmates. Don't lose your highschool years because you are so bright. You have a wonderful future ahead of, enjoy each day as it comes.
Have you ever looked into the possibility that you are an indigo?
If you answer "Yes" to any of the following, that is probably why you don't fit in.

Do you sometimes feel wise beyond your years?
Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?
Do you feel out of place in today's world?
Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?
Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?
Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?
Are you a truth seeker?
Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?
Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?
Misunderstood by family?
Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?
Are you emotionally sensitive?
Did you have a difficult childhood?
Do you often feel disempowered by too much authority?

I, too felt exactly as you describe during school. Actually, I'm 28 and I still feel this way. I am looking at the possibility that I may be an indigo, because it would explain SO much.

So what is an indigo? According to Lee Carroll %26 Jan Tober, "The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration."

Indigo's have a very special purpose. They are here to uplift the consciousness of mankind. Possibly, this is to make way for the huge changes, predicted by many, including Nostradamus, to take place in the year 2012.

See if Djwhal Khul's message to indigo children, at

There is a link there to a questionairre that may help determine whther you are an indigo. They have message boards, too, if you want to connect with some indigo's, and see if you feel this is where you fit.

I hope this helps you!

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