Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hey there i am scared of the police can anyone help me overcome this ? has anyone been there can you please he

You've obviously done something wrong and feel guilty. Turn yourself in!
Im scared of the police too like when they pull you over and ask you question yes scary. Police are friendly except some they hard butts. But theres no harm unless you did something wrong
I am too, and I've actually been arrested a few times when I was much younger. I haven't been in trouble in years, but the thought of someone putting me in handcuffs now might send me into a panic attack. I'm always scared they will take me out in the middle of nowhere and hurt me. I guess I'm weird, but you never really know these days.
Fear of the police?...could you please be more specific? are you afraid because you commited some offecne, or is it purely a phobia without a logical reason?...
Fear of the police alone, without obvious reason, might be a fear of authority figures, problems with your parents or violence /father to son ) in your may represebt some latent fear of responsibilities...
Just tell us...where in those scenarios are you standing on?
You should be!
As a child, I was terrified of the much so that if I saw even a security guard, I'd run the other way. The humor in this is that although I still feel a bit paranoid when I see a police officer, I'm now married to one! :) Truth is most of the officers are great guys who would rather help someone than give them a ticket. Unfortunately, the lack of respect they receive makes it difficult for them to be portrayed any differently.
I think what you're REALLY afraid of- is the Uniform, not the people wearing them. The Police are just people doing a JOB- they're NO different than bus drivers, school teachers, or dog walkers. It's THEIR responsibility to make sure that people adhere to the laws of the land- and to bring to justice those who break those laws. They CAN'T do things on their OWN...-Like everyone ELSE with a job, they have to work within certain guidelines, or else THEY can get into trouble- too. In other words- they're just like you. They don't "bite"- %26 they don't want people to be afraid of them...
but how scared are you? im mean i get lil nervous when driving and seeing a police car... and i got pulled over once and was sooo nervous that i was gittery... but only in fear of getting a ticket, i think its authority thing, like fear of getting in trouble with the teacher when we were kids... but if you are scared of just standing next to the police maybe you should try and get over it by familairing your self with places that police frequent (like dunkin donuts, ok ok bad joke, sorryyy =) and just keep reminding yourself that police are there to protect us, we should feel safer with them around. i live in NYC and im not scared of the trains but when there is a police officer on the train i just feel sooo much safer than normal, and you need to remind yourself of that
police are just regular people if you sign in to be a police then people will be scared of you so police are normal people just like you.
I think most people are. It sucks because they are suppose to be there to protect us, but instead they end up bullying people who don't do anything.

I know its a general statement and not all are like this, but this is the experience that i've had with the police I've met.
forget about a chep answer because that will never solve your problems. do look up EFT emotional freedom techniques by Gary Craig. if you are sincere this will truly hellp you with this fear and any others you may have.
If you didnt do anything wrong, you shouldnt be afraid of them.
i can be arrested for J walking...I am Freaking Terrified.
I drive a small, round car, and once police pulled me over to the side of the road to stop and ask me if "i drove a bubble". Hah! I think it was a lame attempt to try and prove they had a sense of humour! Anyway...try and think about who these people are, and what they are doing. If there is a reason that you're scared of them - maybe because of a single incident that happened - try not focus on it, or to think of all police as people to be feared. I mean, there are good guys and bad guys in every profession. as a whole, the police around to help you and keep the community safe.

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