Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can a lack of sleep affect memory?

How can a lack of sleep affect your reaction time and memory?
The lack of sleep has an outrageous effect across the board-it increases hunger, it increases pain, it leaves you with brain fog, etc. etc. etc.
Yes, and thanks for reminding me-good night!
Sleep gives your brain a rest. If you don't sleep, your brain will be so jammed and that's how it affects your memory.
sleep has a restorative function on our mind and body so it will definitely affect memory in so may ways but the two obvious ones are 1.since you'll probably feel drowsy during the day none of the days events will get your full attention, you can't remember what you don't n0tice . 2. During sleep itself encoding and memory retention occurs in the biomolecular level
When you sleep that's the only time where your brain is able to organize the things you stored during the day. So if you lack of sleep the thoughts, knowledge, memories, etc. are not stored well and some of it might even be erased or forgotten. So i suggest get enough sleep for healthy brain and body. (I feel like a hypocrit coz i sleep late at night...heheheh
Sleep deprivation slows reaction time in your cells - bottom line.(That's sort of the short answer wording, by the way-not the 'technical jargon.')

Cells which go unrepaired (from lack of time to rejuvenate and repair while the body is resting) are impaired (Their functioning is down). So, when you don't get enough sleep, your body has multiple reactions; the reaction time slows because your body generally isn't working efficiently; your immune system weakens; you may be slower to activate the neurotransmitters which help process thought/memory; and more. The types of symptoms are broad.

Pardon me but I've gotta cut this short; my bed's waiting (if it isn't, my alarm clock will be).

Best wishes getting some Zzzz's. Too much sleep deprivation can stunt growth and health and shorten one's life, so it's really NOT a joke. (There are some good books about it, too - see below as one example).
When you have used your computer for a period of time and have run a number of applications on it.

You somehow find the your applications will run slower than normal. Even if you only have 1 program running.

Most users have to reset the computer in order that the computer can work again.

Reason: Reseting the computer also clears the stack memory in the computer.

This is the same case as in a human being, sleeping is like the human RESET button. Although it's a bit more complex, Sleep not only allows the body to free up other functions and the mind automatically "arranges" memories and images.

Thus, does it affect your memory, YES.

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