What should I do!?
It may be caused by:
-caffeine or other stimulents
-having an unsteady sleeping schedule
-eating too close to bedtime
-watching tv/being on the computer close to bedtime (aka, get off the computer!)
It can be fixed by:
-drinking warm, uncaffeinated tea
-drinking warm milk
-soft, calming music
-lack of stimulation (such as light, loud sound, and moving objects)
It can be prevented by avoiding the things in #1.
tylenol pm
take 2 tylenol pms
Im me im bored and cant sleep either LOL
i can't sleep either!
Stop trying and just lie there and relax. Don't think about the fact that you can't sleep or even that you want to sleep. Lay doen, close your eyes and just lightly think about things. Not problems, just things. A book you have been reading or a movie you saw. May be a favorite place you have been or want to go... Try to kindof daydream. You will eventually drift off without even realizing it, your daydream merging into your night dream. Just take it easy, and good luck ok?
Well firstly i would see a doctor to try to see if he could prescribe a OTC sleep aid. Secondly when i cant sleep i allways listen to the radio or watch tv. I watch tv everyday just for that reason, plus i like to keep up on the news so it will work eather way.
Good Luck and sweet dreams.
even though u cant sleep try a moment of meditation !! I know u might not believe in it but try!! love u lots Linda!!!
Did you know that if you eat a baked potato, it will help you fall asleep, naturally! Seriously, learned it on rachel ray. Microwave it for 8 min. I really does work.
at night read some books.put some light music
u can take some yogurt before sleep
do meditation at night
I have trouble sleeping too. I lay there and toss and turn. My mind does too much thinking when the lights go out and when everyone is asleep. I try to watch tv, some people say that it helps and I have tried reading. None of these work for me. I eventually went to see a doctor and had to be prescribed medication. I don't do well on Tylenol PM, plus prescribed sleep aids work better. Try seeing a doctor for your problem. Hope it helps.
Here is the best answer if you're medically healthy: Lay on your side or stomach, first see how long you can keep your eye lids half open with your gaze unfixed staring into space, you should notice that your eyes will want to shut as you force them to stay open. When closed you should feel a gentle pull for them to open as apposed to the forcing shut feeling you might be used to. Don't fix on any thought especially emotionally only watch thoughts move in and out of your mind. Finally before you fall you should hear imaginary rustling sounds (usually only when really tired.) If you don't hear the sound like a crowd of mumbling voices don't worry eventually you will.
Think of it as a gate to sleep where the key is found in listening.
Whats keeping you up is probably that you have so
much to say. Or, rather, something in you has
a few things to say. So, fed up, you might
as well listen, making sure you
aren't influencing what
is said or answering.
It may as well be someone else's thoughts needing to be heard so that they can be forgotten.
Poor sleep quality can occur as a result of sleep apnea or major depression. Poor sleep quality is caused by the individual not reaching stage 4 or delta sleep which has restorative properties. There are, however, people who are unable to achieve stage 4 sleep due to brain damage that still lead perfectly normal lives.
Sleep apnea is a condition that occurs when a sleeping person's breathing is interrupted, thus interrupting the normal sleep cycle. With the obstructive form of the condition, some part of the sleeper's respiratory tract loses muscle tone and partially collapses. People with obstructive sleep apnea often do not remember any of this, but they complain of excessive sleepiness during the day. Central sleep apnea interrupts the normal breathing stimulus of the central nervous system, and the individual must actually wake up to resume breathing. This form of apnea is often related to a cerebral vascular condition, congestive heart failure, and premature aging.
Major depression leads to alterations in the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary causing excessive release of cortisol which can lead to poor sleep quality.
Nocturnal polyuria or excessive nighttime urination can be very disturbing to sleep.[citation needed] Urination produces strong signals to the brain to wake up.[citation needed] Nocturnal polyuria can be nephrogenic (related to kidney disease) or it may be due to prostate enlargement or hormonal influences.[citation needed] Deficiencies in vasopressin, which is either caused by a pituitary problem or by insensitivity of the kidney to the effects of vasopressin, can lead to nocturnal polyuria.[citation needed] Excessive thirst or the use of diuretics can also cause these symptoms.[citation needed]
[edit] Treatment for insomnia
In many cases, insomnia is caused by another disease or psychological problem. In this case, medical or psychological help may be useful.
All sedative drugs have the potential of causing psychological dependence where the individual can't psychologically accept that they can sleep without drugs. Certain classes of sedatives such as benzodiazepines and newer non-benzodiazepine drugs can also cause physical dependence which manifests in withdrawal symptoms if the drug is not carefully titrated down.
Many insomniacs rely on sleeping tablets and other sedatives to get rest. The most commonly used class of hypnotics prescribed for insomnia are the benzodiazepines. This includes drugs such as temazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, flurazepam, nitrazepam and midazolam. These medications can be addictive, especially after taking them over long periods of time.
Recent research has shown that cognitive behavior therapy can be more effective than medication in controlling insomnia [1]. In this therapy, patients are taught improved sleep habits and relieved of counter-productive assumptions about sleep.
Non-benzodiazepine prescription drugs, including Ambien and Lunesta, have a cleaner side effect profile than the older benzodiazepines; however, there are controversies over whether these non-benzodiazepine drugs are superior to benzodiazepines. These drugs appear to cause both psychological dependence and physical dependence, and can also cause the same memory and cognitive disturbances as the benzodiazepines along with morning sedation.
Melatonin has proved effective for some insomniacs in regulating the sleep/waking cycle, but lacks definitive data regarding efficacy in the treatment of insomnia.
Melatonin agonists, including Ramelteon (Rozerem), seem to lack the potential for abuse and dependence. This class of drugs has a relatively mild side effect profile and lower likelihood of causing morning sedation.
The antihistamine diphenhydramine is widely used in nonprescription sleep aids, with a 50 mg recommended dose mandated by the FDA. In the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries, a 50 to 100 mg recommended dose is permitted. While it is available over the counter, the effectiveness of these agents may decrease over time and the incidence of next-day sedation is higher than for most of the newer prescription drugs. Dependence does not seem to be an issue with this class of drugs.[citation needed]
Some antidepressants such as mirtazapine, trazodone and doxepin have a sedative effect, and are prescribed off label to treat insomnia. The major drawback of these drugs is that they have antihistaminergic, anticholinergic and antiadrenergic properties which can lead to many side effects. Some also alter sleep architecture.
Low doses of atypical antipsychotics such as quetiapine (Seroquel) are also prescribed for their sedative effect but the danger of neurological and cognitive side effects make these drugs a poor choice to treat insomnia.[citation needed]
Some insomniacs use herbs such as valerian, chamomile, lavender, hops, and passion-flower. Valerian has undergone the most studies[citation needed] and appears to be modestly effective[citation needed].
Alcohol may have sedative properties, but the REM sleep suppressing effects of the drug prevent restful, quality sleep.[citation needed] Middle-of-the-night awakenings due to polyuria or other effects from alcohol consumption are common, and hangovers can also lead to morning grogginess.
Marijuana has been known to act as a sleep-aid.
Some traditional remedies for insomnia have included drinking warm milk before bedtime, taking a warm bath in the evening; exercising vigorously for half an hour in the afternoon, eating a large lunch and then having only a light evening meal at least three hours before bed, avoiding mentally stimulating activities in the evening hours, and making sure to get up early in the morning and to retire to bed at a reasonable hour.
Pomegranates are also believed to help insomniacs sleep.
Warm milk contains high levels of tryptophan, a natural sedative. Using aromatherapy, including jasmine oil, lavender oil, Mahabhringaraj and other relaxing essential oils, may also help induce a state of restfulness. Adding honey to warm milk helps the body to absorb the tryptophan more quickly.[citation needed] Tryptophan absorption is normally inhibited or deterred by other amino acids but in the presence of sugar tryptophan is absorbed more quickly.[citation needed] Horlicks[2] has been shown to help.[citation needed]
Many believe that listening to slow paced music will help insomniacs fall asleep. This theory is currently being studied by professor Jedediah Fajman at the University of Illinois.
The more relaxed a person is, the greater the likelihood of getting a good night's sleep. Relaxation techniques such as meditation have been shown to help people sleep. Such techniques can lower stress levels from both the mind and body, which leads to a deeper, more restful sleep.[citation needed]
[edit] Alternative approaches
Traditional Chinese medicine has included treatment for insomnia throughout its history. A typical approach may utilize acupuncture, dietary and lifestyle analysis, herbology and other techniques, with the goal of resolving the problem at a subtle level. Although these methods have not been scientifically proven, some insomniacs report that these remedies are sufficient to break the insomnia cycle without the need for sedatives and sleeping tablets[citation needed].
In the Buddhist tradition, people suffering from insomnia or nightmares may be advised to meditate on "loving-kindness", or metta. This practice of generating a feeling of love and goodwill is claimed to have a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body[3]. This is claimed to stem partly from the creation of relaxing positive thoughts and feelings, and partly from the pacification of negative ones. In the Mett膩 Sutta, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, tells the gathered monks that easeful sleep is one benefit of this form of meditation.
There are a number of alternative cures for this disorder that are currently marketed. Often, a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes is claimed to be the most helpful approach. However, it should be noted the reason they are considered "alternative" medical treatments is the lack of empirical evidence to back up such claims. There are always studies going on to either confirm or deny the effectiveness of such medicine, but in many cases even if no effect is shown to exist in a treatment, proponents will still believe in their effectiveness.
[edit] Statistics for insomnia
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year.[4] Insomnia tends to increase with age and affects about 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men [5]. The average American gets 7 hours of sleep, instead of the 8 to 10 hours recommended by doctors. Children however are recommended more than 8 hours.
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