Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! Crazy woman telling lies and I was arrested!?

Drama! My boyfriend of 5 years has children with a lady(one night stand) 20 years older than him.twins! She has been hounding him since I met him...for support. She keeps my boyfriend in court and bothers everyone that has any common interest with include me! She is always calling me at work and I have asked her to stop. She just wants to know where he works etc. I have filed charges. Annoying phone calls. She gets served with these papers and in turn, files harrassment charges on me saying I am driving by her house, threatening her and the kids and more! ALL LIES! I dont even talk to her. She swore on a statement this to be true and I was arrested. What can I do to make this girl go away?
1. Get a lawyer.

2. You will have your day in court to speak.

3. Get a Restraining Order / Order of Protection against her stating that she cannot call your home, business, or cell phone and that she cannot come within 500 yards of you, your home or your place of employment, and that she cannot email, text message, or write to you at any time.
Find a new boyfriend.
Hire an attorney
It's called a restraining order. Get one today at your local police department!!!
bullet to the head.
Get a restraining order taken out on her then she cannot call you, send mail or come within 500 feet of you. I really suggest getting this. It sounds like you would have a great chance of having the judge give you one. I can't understand why you got arrested.
it prolly would all stop if ur boyfriend would pay her child support... If he knows its his kids then he should..if not then get a DNA test . Shes harassing u because of him.
She is truely insane? You should keep a diary of all the 'crazy' things she's done to you, to use as evidence in court of her mental illness. Block her number so she cant call. I'm sure you've already alerted the police that she has fabricated these stories about you driving by and intimidating her children. You haven't been doing this: this is no evidence. I imagine she says you yell things from the car. Tell police to question her neighbours if they've observed you doing this. (make sure you dont go near the area). If everything she claims is proven to be false, she wont have much legal recourse to attempt to ruin your life. So she'll probably turn into an annoyance in other ways. Avoid avoid avoid avoid.
For starters, what makes you say she's crazy? Maybe she's got problems cos she has two kids with a man who wants no connection with her, let alone give her financial support. Do you realise how difficult it can be to raise one child, let alone two?
You should speak to your boyfriend, then ask him to go through the courts to settle an amount in which he pays her per month. This will make her see that he is happy with you, and even if he wants nothing to do with his children, he is still willing to give her money and help to make her life a bit better.
Maybe you could speak to her? Tell her that although you do like/love this man, that his past has got nothing to do with you and that you didn't ask to be involved. Tell her that you would like to put things aside and be able to get on with her, for the sake of her children who will be growing up in a war zone.

I honestly think you're in too deep, cos you don't sound very mature and this could be a difficult situation for you to be in. Maybe you should cut all strings with this man, before this woman really attacks you?

Anyway... hope this helps!
Buy one of these and use it:
In many states, it only takes one person's permission to tape record a phone call..that person would be you. I would record her (on a brand new tape) every time she contacts you. If you don't have a cell phone with picture taking capabilities, keep a disposable camera with you. If she comes any where near you take a picture. I would absolutely get A RESTRAINING ORDER.
When you go to court over her lies, it may be possible to have phone records brought in as evidence to show how has been calling whom. Your goal is to discredit her as much as possible.
Please be aware of your surroundings at all times, pepper spray may not be a bad idea. The fact that she is fixating on you is not a good sign. She may be reasonably harmless, but let's face it, people are capable of doing violent things.

With that said, there are 2 babies to think of. Does it really matter if it was a one-night stand, or a relationship that fizzled out?? If she is going to these kinds of extremes, bothering you when you didn't father her children, lying on an official document %26 so on....what kind of mother is she?
I wonder why (no matter how wonderful "he" is,) you are not protecting yourself and considering your future. He has straight-up shown you that he is not the kind of person that will take care of his children. Is she on state-aid? Are tax payers taking care of his r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s?
Or is she struggling to give "THEIR" children what they need. Has a dna test been done? If they are his children, he needs to support these kids. There is something he needs to consider..he could end up paying back child support with interest attatched to that payment. If he won't take care of his children...what makes you think, if children with this man is in your future, that he would do HIS SHARE, with yours?
Please let us know how all this works out for you. I hope you are able to beat these charges.


I am glad that you let us know that he is paying child support. What a shame that you don't have the threats on tape. If your boyfriend can't afford an attorney to fight this XXXX### then contact legal services through the United Way. His children have the right to know their Daddy.

Please get a tape recorder.

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