Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help. deja vu about every day?

Ever since i've been young, i've been having what people call deja vu. i've heard it runs through my family a little, but is rare. like it left for awhile when i wasn't focusing what was in front of me, you know, life. but now its been growing increasingly since. now almost every night in my sleep i have it and the event can happen in a week, the next day, whatever. but i remember the dream and it happens. like when i was pretty young, since 4 years old, it happened about every day. and i was pretty scared. funny how all the weirdest things can happen to a personl, right? like so many have happened to me, but i won't name them. can someone just help me? someone who knows about this kind of thing and can give me some information on it. i dont know exactly what it is? just some help to what it is or what i could do, or something? thank you
I don;t know what it is called, but I have had these same little flash type of dreams too. For me, it has been some small detail that I remember from a dream when it happens. It has never been anything serious or unnerving, just a small snapshot of a future event. These dreamshots don't happen very often, but are vivid when they do, and surprising when the event happens. Nothing to worry about, mine are less as I get older. Best wishes
I've had deja vu for as long as I can remember also, but it's never scared me. I think knowing the future is a gift. You can either be prepared or you can change the outcome. I don't know how to help you stop it and i definetly don't think this should go in the mental section.
oooh i thought i was the only one going through this!!...except i get them usually twice a week rather than everyday...theres nothing bad about it- i think its pretty cool!!..for example i dream about something and i don't know the people or the location in the dream, then 5 years later , what i dreamnt about happens...its a bit scary...but cool heheh..
try researching it...
there are books on it... try searching "the science of sleep" on google or something.
Deja vu has nothing to do with being able to fortell the future or anything that happens in your dreams. It is the "feeling", in the present, while you are wide awake, that what is happening has happened before.

If you do a search on this you can find out a lot from the Wikipedia website.I had this experience every day for a few months many years ago. I think my experience was a symptom of the Depression I was dealing with at the time.

I would suggest checking about the deja vu with your doctor for the possibilities mentioned in the Wikipedia of physical problems that may be causing this.
Deja vu is not something experienced while asleep.

Dream content is something different. Dreams can be related to many issues including daily stressors.

Reliving of past events in one's dreams might be considered "flashbacks".
I don't think there's one 100% undiable answer that can be given to this question. However, I've read quite a bit about this and in recent years studys of the brain have shown "clues" as to what causes this. Unfortunately, I've forgotten the source, and can't summon my deja vu on demand to remember it either lol. But, these finding do not give a flat-out explanation for it either, and are just guesses, theories, and clues. It could also very well have to do with the spiritual being or the supernatural realm. Also, there's Albert Einstein's theory of relativity remember. So who knows really, I guess it's something we may never know the true answer to until we are deceased.
don't worry about it everybody has dreams ihave dreams some are repeated dreams, i think a lot of it is we get in a rut .we keep doing the same thing everyday ,like ttaking the same route to school,or work,and sometimes we dream the same dream .and if you thank you dream weird dream listen to this one i was chaseing this arab across the desert on camels the closer i got to him his skin started melting off the faster the chase him the more he melted then soon he was nothing but a skeleton then i woke up.
I might say something that will offend you . Please dont think yourself as unusual or special perhaps if this ting unerves you ,you would be happy with a down to Earth explanation .

It has been held as a belief for some time that one area of the brain works a little slower than the other when it passes over the concious barier this gives the DE ja Vous feeling . This phenomena running in families could explain the brain chemistry

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