Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help.. I have emotional problems, but don't have a lot of money..?

I have a lot of problems that I feel like I need some help with. I wish I could see a therapist, but they are so expensive and I don't make a lot of money. Any ideas on how I can get some help? I just want to stop feeling the way I do..
There is usually a county mental health service that operates on a sliding fee based on income. They are usually underfunded and overwhelmed, with long waiting lists, but eventually you can get some help.

If you can't find them try calling your local health department and asking them for the number, they probably would know.
try talking to your peers
what country do you live in? if you live in the states, i have no idea. but if you live in a country with even basic healthcare coverage, some mental health services will be covered by the government.
also, use your yellow pages and look up mental health and counselling services, there are lots of free organizations out there. they might not have the knowledge of a $200/hour harvard-trained therapist, but you aren't paying for one.
you have insuance? it can help cover the cost of a theripist. Also there are therapys out there for low income people they will help you. Or try talking to a close friend sometimes that all you need.
Check with your local churches. Some have people to talk to.
Seek out your community mental health centers, they have sliding fee's that can help with the cost.
Everyone has emotional problems, and it is understandable that we cannot spend a ridiculous amount of money going to a therapist or psychiatrist to help us feel relieved. However one effective way of releasing these problems is by writing them out, and destroying the paper into miniatures to burn them or throw them away. By doing meditation and having a more optimistic and positive approach about this problems you will also find the solution to resolving them. Trust God and ask him to tell you what to do, he is the only one who you can count on and who will bring calm and faith into your desperation.
Are you currently employed? Do you have medical insurance?

Some employers offer behavioral hotlines for their employees (and their families) where they can call about issues like yours.

Check with your medical insurance if visiting a psychologist or psychiatrist is part of your coverage in which you would make a co-payment... again check your coverage.

Remember, all problems start BIG and they end small... Don't loose hope, don't give up.
Good self therapy is writing out your problems. Pour it all out, then look at it objectively and ask yourself what you can do to get beyond them.

You can often discover the roots of your own traumas doing this. Once you've identified them, work with them. Remember that many of them don't matter NOW and won't matter at all in the future. They are your past.

You have to admit you've made mistakes and that you've learned from them. Learn to love yourself. Often a therapist will tell you to face yourself in the mirror every morning and tell your reflection the GOOD points and things you are proud of. It works.

I'm not a mental therapist. I AM a professional writer and the absolute despair of any psychiatrist. I've not only identified ALL my own traumas, but I've given them some of them to my characters. Very therapeutic and I understand how each of them has contributed to my own development.

You are the sum of your experiences, but that doesn't mean you must accept the total. Keep working at it. You are still growing. Oh, and don't forget that God can help you find strength when you are failing.
Chech out GodShew Org for free online counseling, revelations about emotional problems, depression cure.
find a counseling service that charges by your income
i'll be your friend also call 1800 lifenet if u need someone to help you out. offers counseling. also walking helps.
shrinks are cheap.
eat a lot of ice cream.
Problems and no money aye? welll with me i got a lot of problems from having no money so therefore i dint go out looking for a relationship and friends which gave me the problems resulting in getting sick, but for me nah definitely I'm sorry i can't help the only thing nearest to a therapist for cheap is a joint. That's if it helps sorry you feel that way though dude i have massive problems and i like nothing better than to hear reassurance but sometimes i just blinds me and it's no help at all
There are many online forums and support groups that could help you. Talking to another human being about life's problems can be very helpful.
I'm not sure about America, but in europe, you can get it covered by health insurence, or are there any free u.s helplines you can try, or maybe your G.P can help, I'm not sure. I wish I could help you, at least you are willing to talk to some one. It's the first stage of healing. x
honestly, I feel bad that I can't really 'answer' your question. but i just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone. I feel the exact same way, and have for years. but i recently found that there are state to state programs for people who don't make enough money. you can get therapy through these programs. do an internet search, you'll find something. just hold on.

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