Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can i gain my brain memory?

I heard if you eat blueberries it helps, they hold a B vitamin I think its like B12
There are certain exercises you can do. There are also many herbal supplements that claim to help brain functions including memory. I have been taking these, I am a sucker for anything that is supposed to help my memory.

"Jigsaw Health: Brain Support" may help:*

* Enhance your memory and mental acuity.
* Improve concentration and focus
* Enhance your mood
* Provide protection to your brain cells from free-radicals
* Enhance you eye health.
* Improve blood circulation to your brain.
* Reduce leg pain by increasing blood flow to the legs and other extremities.

Unlike other supplements supporting the brain, Jigsaw Health Brain Support:
Contains six powerful nutrients for brain health

* Ginkgo biloba extract, widely promoted throughout Europe as the leading "brain herb." Studies have shown that ginkgo biloba may be helpful in enhancing memory and mental function in aging brains, and can improve overall circulation to the brain and the extremities. Ginkgo Biloba contains flavonoids and terpenoids, two chemicals that have potent antioxidant properties which are capable of destroying free radicals that can potentially damage brain cells.
* Acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid able to pass the blood/brain barrier to destroy free radicals that can damage brain cells. Acetyl L-carnitine has shown promise in reducing mental deterioration associated with Alzheimer's disease.
* Phosphatidyl serine complex, a major component of cell membranes in the brain. It helps increase the activity of neurotransmitters involved in learning, memory and mood.
* DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 essential fatty acid crucial for brain health. DHA is a rich brain-building fat found in human milk, and has a crucial influence on healthy brain development and function. A deficiency of DHA due to a poor diet can lead to a deficiency in brain function. DHA is considered so safe and so important for brain and eye development, it is added to infant formulas in over 60 countries (not yet including the U.S.).
* Choline, a precursor for acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter involved in memory.
* Inositol, essential for cell formation and transporting fats within the body.
I had the answer to this question, but I . forgot.
Crossword puzzles help with your brain. Do lots of reading, play games anything to stimulate the mind, Eat lots of fruits and vegetables,. Get plenty of rest, exercise. Eat bluberries they help for memory. Take vitamins, and thats all I can think of so far.
If you find a cure let me know--- I lost a lot of my memory-- long story but I now try to do sudoku puzzles which somedays I whiz right through-others I can't even understand them (and it's not due to any meds cause Im not on any). Try to refresh your memory by looking at old pictures and remembering the past- this is what's really hard for me to remember-- if your memory loss is knowledge- then try reading books and papers that were general knowledge to you before and see if you can start understanding--take it slow and don't force it- I know if someone asks me something- I'm under the gun and I can never remember the answer- 2 hours later I can recite what it is because no one is pressuring me for the answer- you may be like that also-- and I don't understand why and neither do the docs...good luck to you....I hope I helped.
Make sure you are breathing deep enough. Take a deep breath once in awhile.

Do some puzzles or cross word puzzles, or any kind of thing that would challenge your brain. An active brain stays active as you age.

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