Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can i cut smocking? i tried everything!!?

Check at a health food store or pharmacy for Resolve lozenges. This is a natural product which blocks the nicotine from going into your body. Use these for a few weeks and they should help you kick the habit. The other thing is to mentally prepare yourself. If you aren't truly ready to face quitting, then you will set yourself up for disappointment. It really is a mental challenge but I know you can do it if you really want to.
I quit cold turkey very hard thing to do good luck
What is smocking. But the name sounds kind of fun.
Talk to your dr. he gave my husband and i a prescription for Chantix...it works really well and you dont have withdrawl symptoms. Really good product.!!
Smocking is actually an activity, so I wondered if you meant smoking or if you actually have some kind of addiction to fine needle arts and fabric stitching.

As for smoking, you can try hypnosis, nicotine gum, patches, therapy, or go cold turkey. :)

Check out the Great American Smokeout which aids people in the ordeal of getting off that particular drug.
I had to quit hanging around other smokers (even though some were close friends), and quit drinking.
I smoked a pack of 25 cigarettes a day for 25 years and quit in '92, using the patch. I believe the patch has been improved upon since then.
You may find it easier if you avoid drinking alcohol while you are quitting. Coffee and soda are two more triggers, but alcohol has the power to lower your resistance to the habit.
Even now, fifteen years later, I will occasionally think "I should have a smoke", but the thought disappears just as fast as it arrives.
It's a long hard battle, but well worth it.

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