Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can I calm down when I have a panic attack?

I shake, get a rapid heartbeat, feel detached from my body, and I cannot stop moving. This happens often.
It might be a good idea to find out what's causing you to panic. Anxiety and panic are usually symptoms of a problem like anemia, thyroid problems, hypoglycemia, hormone imbalances, a high sugar/caffeine diet, to name a few. Has anyone tested you for these problems?
Get a prescription for xanax. I have one and whenever i take one when I'm freakin out, it helps A LOT. I have the pink ones. take one of those and you'll be good for a few hours. i have a pretty high tolerance though for them cuz i sometimes seem to flip out a lot when it comes to my anxiety disorder
concentration and staring at a light source help me .
there's a great book called "the anxiety and phobia workbook" it really gets in-depth about how to deal with panic attacks
Take deep breaths and convince yourself that everything is good. Imagine something calming. I'm not a psychologist, but this works for me! ;)
I got these drops from the health food store. You put them on your tongue. They are called "calming remedy" or something but if you ask your pharmacist they should know. They are great when I have a pannic attack.
One way is deep breathing. Learn to breathe deeply during the time you are calm. It can be easier to remember to breathe when you are panicking, if you do some deep breathing every day just for practice.
Take a deep breath when you feel it coming on. Force yourself to breathe slowly and to exhale slowly for a minute or two. Inhale to the count of ten and exhale to the count of ten within 8 or 10 seconds. Sometimes breathing into a paperbag (NOT plastic) will help so that you don't hyperventilate. You'll slow down your heart's pace doing this and you will re-oxygenate your body doing this. This WILL calm you down so you can focus.
In the moment, try to mentally detach yourself from whatever is happening, slow down, and do this deep breathing exercise: breath in through your nose to a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, release through your mouth to a count of 8. If you can do this 4 times in a row, you will feel much better. Continue breathing like this until you feel much better - and THEN, make an appointment to see your doctor - he/she can better help you in the long-term. Take care.
I've been taught to breathe in slowly through the nose for two seconds counting like one one thousand, two one thousand. and then exhale through the mouth slowly for four seconds counting the same way. While you're doing this rate your panick attack from 1-10. Whatever it is, imagine it going down from like a 10 to a 9 then to an 8 then to a 7 and so on and so on until you feel yourself calm down to a 1 or a 0. I learned this from the Midwest Center for anxiety and depression. You might've seen it on paid advertising late at night. It may be a bit expensive but it really helped me a lot. You should check it out. Theres a lot more people out there that suffer from anxiety than you would think. I hope that my advice makes sense and helps you out.
The drops Bluegirl was talking about are called Bach Rescue Remedy and you can get this at the health food store.
How religious are you? I had or have anxiety disorder. If I get to flustered I cannot think. When things get me down, such as seeing a teacher for my children, or losing a house, It does not matter how big or small the problem. I have to lay down, because my body gets so tight, that I am in constant pain.

I have learned to lay down, and pray to G-d and trust in Him. The lesson that I got is: One has to learn to know a higher power than themselves.

You are on a baseball team and you are a good player. G-d is the manager and coach. No matter what, you are not allowed in the game. The team is severly losing and you cannot play. You bother Him, you say to Him, that you can help. All He says to you is sit down. You cannot do anything, so you might as well kick up your feet and sit down and have some popcorn, watch the show and take in the

The other thing, if you know G-d or that G-d aready knows you. G-d and the Holy Spirit is warning you to follow what is right and not to go against your instincts. If you are having a problem, and you think you can do the wrong thing, do not do it. If you have to pay a bill and you are short of money, pay the bill anyway. Follow the right path. It is a natural instinct telling you to do the right thing.
For whatever sake;
Do Not Do What just is Not Wrong.
Do What is Right!

Talk to G-d. Ask G-d and Jesus (If you are Christian) and the Holy Spirit into your heart. Then listen to your heart. Not your brain, for it will cause you to do the wrong thing. Pray about it. If it overtakes you in the middle of the night, wake up, think about it, go back to sleep, and do what you have to do in the morning. If it is on a Friday, you might as well wait until Monday, because you cannot do a thing about it until Mon.

I have learned this through Temple, Church, the Bible and experience. I once used to dread each day, now I look forward to it. Do what you have to do. If you are with G-d you need not to have any fear, because he is with you. What I am telling you, is years of learning what I had to learn the hard way. No one, even in Religious studies took the time to tell me what I am telling you, and if they did, I was to stubborn and an I-Know-It-All to listen. I have only met a few relligious leaders who had hurt like me, and they could not tell me, what I am telling you.

I watched TV, not a religious station either, it was ABC and I heard once on the morning show, That the Lord's prayer automatically helps to relieve tension. And Psalm 23 relieves pain. I have used them both and it does work. Make your children repeat after you the Lord's prayer line by line. (Sometimes it has to be 3-4 times, before they can repeat it after you correctly.) When it is finally said, your children will be more loving. It is great, when a two year old child wakes up with nigihtmares.

All this stuff does work, and you will find yourself not bothered, your heartbeat will go down, and you will be able to function under all serious or not serious conditions. I have tried medications, but they just make me fat, and I am way to vain for that. G-d does work, and I stay slim with Him.

It will work, the more you follow G-d, the more confidence you will have, and before you know it, you will understand everything I am saying and you will be teaching this to someone else.

The one reason you panic so much is you want the power and you do not have it. Things happen and sometimes we are powerless. We have to trust in a higher power, and learn to realize that we will not always have things in our way and control . When we finally learn that lesson, and learn to deal with what we can do, and what we cannot do, we will finally be in power to handle ourselves. We will always have problems. Now they will be completely under control. The problem is G-d's and you will be able to handle yourself.

The Lord's Prayer:
Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will be done
on Earth and up in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us of our Trespasses
as we forgive those who Trespass against us.
Lead us not into Temptaion
And Deliver us From Evil
For thine is the Power and Glory in the Kingdom Forever.

When life was very hard for me I used to say:
Life is like a rollercoaster.
We have the big hill and other hills to over come.
When the ride slows down and we think it is over,
It starts up again.
We cannot get off, until we die.
The difference is with G-d.
Without G-d, you get sick, your heart beats fast, you cannot eat, you are constantly nauses and throw-up all the time, and can never sleep.
With G-d he teaches you breathing exercises, how to feel the ride. To make the ride comfortable. How to eat on it, how to sleep on it, and how to enjoy it and even to be happy to be on it.

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