i have been depressed for a few months now.i have not told my gp as i feel ashamed.i have lost my business and sunk into huge debt.i can no longer pay my bills and i am drinking heavily,i can not go on much longer
you could speak to a councillor at the samaritans, or go back to your gp and demand some help. You could also give nhs direct a call and see if they can refer you
Next please.
change your g.p or find the courage to talk to your current one...you know you have to do something...maybe things have got to get worse before you take action...so that's the choice you have.is going to your doc worse than the situation you are currently in? get your **** over there!
you have already done a move by speaking out your problem,that's always the hardest part...
first of all,cut the drinking,it will worsen everything,i know its escapism but you got to veer away from it.
if you are into religion talk to your local priest,but other than that,ByeDr.com isnt the right place to talk about this matter
seek help from a medical team
It's time to hire a professional to help you navigate through these troubled waters, my friend. On the back of your insurance card, you'll find a number to call to get a visit to a psychiatrist pre-certified. Call it now. If you know anyone personally in the local area who has seen (and is satisfied with) his/her psychiatrist, find out if he/she is in network.
At this point, you most likely need to get started on meds. Psychotherapy will be helpful, as well .Research has proven time and time again that the optimal method for combatting depression is a two-pronged approach including both psychotherapy AND medication.
DO not delay. This likely will not improve on its own, and it sounds like your life is already unravelling.
Call today.
Hang in there,
get chatting to some nice young chicks on bebo, faceparty or profileheaven. works wonders after a stressfull day.
Why don't you go to AA then? Everyone there has been, or is where you are right now.
There is nothing to be ashamed of. The shame would be in letting this suck you down so far that you can't get back up. You can reverse this whole mess, you know.
If you don't feel that you can stop drinking right at this moment, ok. You still should go to a meeting (just don't drive drunk please).
dont feel ashamed just pop along to your doctor tell them whats going on, they see it all the time and you`ll feel a lot better. they also know of places you can go and talk about your problems. good luck.
get in touch with gp - can sort out helping
avoid further debt
best wishes
There is no need to feel ashamed about being depressed...telling someone is the best first step that you could possibly do. You're GP is there to listen and if needed, to refer you to a specialist, they are not there to judge.
Ring a helpline and talk to a trained councillor, they are there to help and are completely annonumus.
Good Luck : )
I'm sorry to hear about your problem, but you are not alone. It may feel like it but i can assure you're not. You need to talk to someone and not bottle it up cos that wont help you. If you can talk to your gp. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Talk about your situation to them as your first step. Secondly, seek legal advice. If you're in the uk go to the citizens advice bureau. They have brilliant tools to give you in order to deal with the loss of your business and how to handle your debt. You need to see them asap. They will help draw up letters to send out to the people you owe and get you on the right track. CAB are brilliant for this sort of thing. But dont give up hope and dont leave it. It wont help you and neither will the bottle you keep as company. We have all at some point in our lives gone through times like this and come out the other side, fitter and wiser. You can too. So take hold of those reigns and take control of your life again. I hope this has helped in some way. Good Luck!
If you are in UK check Thompson's Local telephone directory. Somewhere at the front you will find all the help you need from your local authority. Your problem[s] can be dealt with and you can get help swiftly. Be open and honest about your situation.
Good luck.
stop going to the bottle as everyone knows it does not take the problem away, hang in there this will pass i always wondered if this type of thing happens alot and it does most people has gone through the same as you, We went through it and we battled on for over 4 years now we are back on our feet and doing much better. Remember that if you fall of you bike you have to get on it agian . So leave the bottle and do your best to move on , take one day at a time. Make arrangements with the people you cant pay as they can become nasty should you just leave them Good luck my thoughts are with you as i know its not a very nice position to be in as most of your friends and family will also turn away but show them that you can do it
first thing u should stop drinking cos it wont solve your problem. there are many people around u who love and would like to help u. u just have to think of them e.g. your close friends. u have to forget that u r depressed and look forward for life cos u are going to meet lots of things like this. and about your debit your friends and family can help u to get over it.
Go to your doctor, explain to him that you are suffering from depression and ask for a referral to a psychologist.
There are short term help like the Samaritans. But you do need to see a psychologist to help you. I know the despair you feel and that feeling of panic and drowning. But don't give in. Stop drinking - It doesn't help. It's a depressant.
I found writing in a notebook all my thoughts and feelings helped to purge myself of all the dark thoughts. It doesn't matter what you write. And don't be afraid of crying. You have to let out all the bad emotions before they become to great that you explode. Once you have purged yourself of these emotions, then acceptance and finding your centre becomes easier. Also go to your bank, talk to them about your debt and ask for their help and advice. They are quite willing to help usually. But you have to go to them.
Don't put it off. The sooner you start, the sooner you recover.
Well do you think that drinking heavily is going to hep that sounds like a mini lecture but as you mentionn it you must know that it is true .
Go and see your Doctor the hardest step is the first step out of the door . Your business has failed but you as a human being need not unless you will it .The businass folding will resolve itself in time fimnacially . They cant get blood our t of a stone and I'm sure youn know that in America peolple often have six trys before they finally give up .
When you start again are you going to do the same kind of business think carefully if the market is boyant enough to support it . Of course it is very hard to see into the future so a little flexibility is anovel and will hold you in good stead however let us talk about your immmediate plan .
The doctor will put you on anti depresants , he will instruct you not to drink alchol , that is because alcohol is a depressant and works against teh medicine .
I assume you do not have any supportive infastructurew , as you dont mention any peolpe in your life accept this it could be an advantage as if you accepted help you may find you have to pay back alot more than you get eventually.
Finally I notice that you say you are ashamed dont be only feel shame if you have done something intentionally imoral you havent you were just trying to make a living .
I dont know how far you have gotten with your drinking ,but consider alcholics anonymous
well drink ing willnjot help. at the very least the money you are spending on drink could be paying off your bills. i suggest you contact acolohics anonymous and a debt counselling aganey NOT a loan company and do something positive to get yourself out of theis mess.
Trust me. I know how your feeling... I have had a lot of turmoil in my life over the last few years, then when you feel like your back on your feet, you can still fall. I recently went on a quest to find a better paying and more satisfying job, only to find I hated it, so I had to quit. After the first month I sunk into a deep depression and felt suicidal. (especially once the bills start piling up...) I have felt like this on and off for a few years as nothing ever seems to be where I want it no matter how hard I work at things, but I have OCD which makes me obsess. You just have to tell yourself "I refuse to worry about money... I will allow myself to be happy... etc."
Step 1. the WORST thing you can do is give up, FORCE yourself to get up every day and go out and do something positive.
- Look for some work (even part time) to keep you balanced till you get on your feet.
- Even do volunteer work for others less fortunate, this will help you put a positive spin on things... (such as I cried cause I had no shoes, till I met a man with no feet...) Remember things can be worse, be grateful for what you DO have, and remember it is in YOUR power to move ahead.
- Maybe travel somewhere where you can do some fruit picking perhaps? Money and travel puts a better perspective on things... a part time job at a nursing home? (even cleaning)
Think of what you have accomplished already in life (such as even being able to set up your own business... a lot of people are too afraid to even try that!)
Trust me, sticking your head in the sand and not taking action will only keep digging your hole further down, and it gets harder and harder to get out.
At the very least...
- ring up the places where you have debts, explain the situation... they will be very understanding usually and this will buy you some time to get on top of the bills.
DONT be ashamed to tell your doctor... medication may help ease your mind for the time being, and even just getting it out in the open and off your chest will help more than you know.
Just remember... You have the power, dont LET it get you down... others have felt this many times, you WILL come out of it... and in the meantime you may be pleasantly surprised what you find out about yourself.
Helping others will take your mind off your own problems... and back to the beginning is a very good place to start! Money isnt everything, try to be content with a warm blanket and food in your belly, water in your glass etc. Think how much worse it could be... (like perhaps if you were in prison or got told you had cancer and not long to live...) it is imperative to put a different spin on things and have acceptance for the situation and yourself. It seems you have the intelligence to make something of yourself again... so give yourself a break, take it easy, but start taking baby steps at getting back on your feet...
Make a list of your issues, and write next to them why you shouldnt worry / options on how you can fix them / and how it could be worse. Then set little goals for yourself each day and try to accomplish t least some of them. Making a to do list will also help.
Search online for forums to chat in... (be careful some people can be insensitive...)
Ask your doctor for a referral to a cousellor...
Or find a helpline you can ring (look in your phone directory- usually in the first few pages) they can also refer you onto someone...
even the best of us fall at times, it is our ability to get up again when we stumble that defines our strength as a person.
Last word: "this too shall pass..." Keep up the fighting spirit my friend...
OK.lets deal with each issue instead of lumping them together!! No-one nowadays should be ashamed to speak to their doctor about depression. Make an appt now!!
Business's do fail..i have personal proof of this.and debts do mou nt up which is a very big worry. However, all companies have a legal obligation to try and help you clear those debts by an agreement. If you don't feel up to speaking to all your debtors..see the citizens advise bureau who will help. Do not contact any debt consolidation companies...they are bad news. The drinking can be dealt with leter on but try and curb it a little as it will add to your depression but i know how hard that is. You need to start turning things around. See yourself in 5 years time with all this behind you. It will have been a learning curve and we can all start again. Life is too precious to feel so desparate so start dealing with each issue and set yourself one small task every day so it doesn't seem so daunting. Keep strong!
im not a professional, but i like to think about wat the worst thing that cud happen wud be. i always figure that if all else fails, i can just go and be a squating hermit in the wilderness and spend my days writing and painting and doing odd jobs to buy myself cans of beans to live off of or some ****. that wudnt be so bad as long as u have the right attitude about it. i guess this wasnt really good advise. i dont know if ur being treated already, but it might be good to see a doctor. take up a hobby to consume ur interest. i dont know. if it makes u feel better im a hs valadictorian who is about to fail half of her classes her freshman yr of college due to depression. at least u made it further than me, right? u have the skills to clean things up. i like to think that problems clear up if u give them time and that u just have to chill and let them fall into place. remember to enjoy the little things in life when the big things are ****. remember that there are alot of ppl who suffer in the world, and that u are worthy of as much attention as they are for ur troubles, but sometimes u need to be the big player in finding the solution. i suggest making sure u spend as much time around other ppl as possible. i think ppl start getting their worst wen the have too much time alone to think about their troubles and worry over their next move. im prob too young to provide u with to much help when it comes to talking, but if ur interested in learning about how other ppls lives are who deal with depression--dont know, it kinda helps me to hear about the stories of others so ive begun to offer this one up on here:
i wish u well and am confident that u will see a brighter day. later
Go to your doctor and ask to be refered to a conceller
I went to my local doctor, i had fears of feeling embarrassed and alone and frustrated and confused, i needed help desperately through the loss of my child. I could have taken many directions but i chose to get help. Remember there is nothing to be ashamed about, they are there to help you. Be strong and take yourself there and get yourself sorted ok ? i wish you loads of luck ! I am now a counsellor and if you ever feel you need to let things out feel free to contact me on pollyrose3@hotmail.com
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