Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can I find energy to work, take care of the kids and still be civilized? I seem to be beat all day long!?

I have three kids, work several "at home" jobs and have to stay up late to get everything done. I am a zombie and have not figured out how to manage my time, space, priorities yet. I need suggestions.
Do you put water in your gas tank if you want your car to take you somewhere?

Start by eating healthier. It may sound too simple, or absurd, but people forget that we are biological organisms that didn't evolve by eating more preservatives. Your body needs good fuel to do good things. If you give your body crap to digest, it will use more energy to do so.

Stimulants like caffeine are only a 1 or 2 hour boost, and you crash immediately after. They also mess up your normal rythyms. Cavemen didn't drink coffee. Your body doesn't need caffeine.

After, focus on your stresses and eliminate them one by one. Don't start a project until the other is finished. Learn what makes you happy, and keep it close. Lose what you don't need, as they will bring you down in time by taking up your time.
Red Bull鈩?It gives you wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings!

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