Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can i find out more concerning forcing a person to receive medical care?

I know of someone who is mentally ill but because she still cares for herself (eats, and bathes) and hasnt tried to harm herself or anyone the courts won't allow her to be taken into medical custody. I know this person well enough to know this is not how she wants to live but the illness (bipolar) has control over her. Are there independent groups that help get past these legal red tape issues in order to truly get a person the help they need? If so who and what? You can email the info as well...
Does she want help? Or is this something YOU want for her? You cannot force someone to get treatment unless they are a danger to themself or to others. Doesn't sound like it to me. If she wants help, contact her county's department of social services. If she has no insurance and is low income they will get her to the mental health department where she can see a doctor for either very little money or for free. Medications, too (if needed). If she doesn't want help (a lot of times people with mental illness think there is nothing wrong with them--that's part of the disease) there is nothing you can do. You can't force her.
You can call the county health department %26 tell them your concern, but there is no way to force the issue. To get that kind of assistance has to go through the court system.
The only way you can FORCE someone to get medical help is if they are a harm to themselves or someone else. You have already stated that this person is not. You can always continue to try and help her and perhaps that will influence her in wanting to seek out medical treatment. I wish the best for you and her~
with the best will in the world, you cant make someone get help unless they want to,the only way that you can get help is if there a danger to them self or others,try and persuade them to talk to their mental health team.
If she cares for herself and is no danger to herself or the community, why does she need care?

When she becomes unable to care for herself, or becomes dangerous, many communities have a law in place that can be invoked by a caregiver, police, or doctor to involuntarily commit a person--usually temporarily--for a period of crisis monitoring and care. You should find out about such a law in your community. In Florida, it is called The Baker Act. Before you try to have her confined under such a law, make sure that you understand the full import of the law in your community, and the full burden of proof that it requires.
On the Web..Go to: "Forced Mental Health Treatment"

Good Luck!
hey...I don't have an anwser for you, but a question, how are you able to update your questions? I am sorry for your friend and I hope that you are able to get the anwser you are seeking
You are co-dependent and need help as well. It is not normal to be obsessed with changing a person to accommodate what you feel they want to live like. I know someone like this as well. I got counseling and now I can appreciate how improving this part of my personality has actually helped the other person without THEM being expected to make any changes.

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