Tuesday, May 25, 2010
How can i cure my anxiety?
Hate to say it as it's not easy but your best bet and the current way of thinking is that you need to put yourself into positions that make you anxious and live through it. Obviously don't go out and climb everest if your anxiety is around heights but expose yourself to your fears gradually. At first you can take someone with you who will understand and get them to help you through it, then gradullay build up to doing things on your own.
If for example, your fear is around shopping, start by going to a small shop at a relatively quietly time of day to buy a couple of specific items. Do this regularly, e.g. once or twice a day for a week, then build up - go at a busier time of day or spend longer there. Set yourself a goal, e.g. spending a Saturday afternoon browsing around the shops each week and build up until you get there.
As I said it's not easy but it works! Good luck, Pud.
get out more. My friend has anxiety attacks because she is scared of accidents after losing her bro and dad in random accidents. She found that facing her fear and going to a club one night with her mates has made her less scared or going out or using transport etc
see your GP who will send you to the psychiatrist and go on from there
Fight against it - F*** everybody else and just get out there!!
try xanaz or valium talk to a dr
you should talk it out with someone you can really trust and hope that they can give you an answer but if not then do things that'll keep you cool, calm, and collective like a vacation or even ignoring stupidity....but if that doesn't work then go to a doctor and let them give you an answer for your problem....
hope for the best
Try to recognize what precipitates your anxiety. What is it specifically that you are afraid of? If its generalized and constant I would say see a professional.
Do you know what is causing your anxiety? Is it something specific or do you feel constantly worried and anxious about a lot of little things?
Sometimes talking with a doctor or therapist is the most effective way to control it.
Yeah, see your doctor if it's affecting you day to day. If he/she refers you to a counsellor who can help you with cognitive therapy then all the better. At the end of the day it's about changing the way you think about yourself and the world but you might need someone to help you through if it isn't too easy for you to make the changes in your life.
Health wise: cut out caffeine, sugary foods, simple carbs and eat more of the good stuff. Stopping the fluctuating blood sugar levels helps calm the system. And vigorous exercise is a good stress buster too.
i suffer from the same thing its hard but you will find it alot better if you just get out there, im writting this and thinking how far iv come from when i felt really bad. just try to be around your friends and laugh more!!
If it's affecting your everyday life activities, then you should probably go to your family doctor. They should be able to tell you whether or not you should go see a therapist. From there, the therapist will probably just talk to you and teach you how to cope. They might give you a medication to help adrenaline releases. They might even do both. But if you feel like it's not too serious, then maybe you should examine what you're nervous about. If you feel self-concious, try making a list of all the things that you like about yourself. Just know that real friends will like you for you, and if you mess up sometimes, so does everyone else. And I know it's hard to actually believe that saying that 'other people's opinions don't matter', but in truth, the only opinion that matters is the one that you hold about yourself.
EXERCISE ! ride a bike or buy a punching bag .. that's great always!
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